Brow Lift

Sagginess of the eyebrow is not an uncommon presentation. This could present at an early age or as part of the ageing process and the long-term effects of gravity. This results in a tired looking face or a sad appearance and even an aggressive look on occasions.

A brow lift can improve this, by raising the brows and lifting the eyelids, which ‘re-opens' the area around the eyes, giving a fresher look.

What is Brow Lift?

A brow lift aims to restore a more youthful rested fresher look to the upper part of the face. Brow lift softens the forehead wrinkling, the sagginess of the eyebrows and hooding of the upper eyelids. This results in a more relaxed and refreshed appearance. Brow lift could be done separately or with upper eyelid surgery. The browlift is mostly done by keyhole (endoscopic) surgery. Botox injection maybe advisable, on occasions, few weeks before the surgery.

The Keyhole (Endoscopic) Brow Lift surgery

This Brow lift procedure is done under a general anaesthetic (while you are asleep). 3 to 5 small incisions are required within the scalp hair. The eyebrows and forehead are lifted and held in position by glue or other devices to maintain the new position. Drains, if used, will be removed prior to discharge from the hospital.

Recovery from Brow lift Surgery

The brow lift surgery involves an overnight stay. There will be a crepe bandage for few days. Puffiness and bruising around the eyes is to be expected after the surgery. Head elevation is advisable. Stitches are normally removed within 10 days. Most people can return to work within 10-14 days. It is best to refrain from any strenuous work or physical exercise for a period of 6 weeks.

Potential Risks

Every surgical procedure carries a certain amount of risk, and it is important that you understand the risks involved in brow lift surgery.

Swelling and bruising are to be expected after eyebrow surgery. Scars are easily concealed, as they are small, in the scalp hair and behind the hairline. In a small proportion of patients scars can be lumpy. Rarely, hair loss can occur at the scars. A certain degree of asymmetry can occur. In the very rare occasions, nerve damage can occur resulting in permanent droopiness of eyebrows and or numbness of the forehead and scalp area. Unevenness or irregularities of the forehead may follow muscle removal.

Bleeding, infection, blood clots in leg veins and/or lung and further revisional surgery are general risks that can follow any operation.

The information provided gives you a basic understanding of the brow lift procedure but it may not answer all your questions, a lot depends on your individual circumstances. It is not intended to be a substitute for a cosmetic surgical consultation in Chester, Cheshire or Wrexham, North Wales.

For any enquiries, you can email Professor Fahmy on Your consultation will be directly with Professor Fahmy and the treatment will be performed by himself at the hospital of your choice either Pulford Medical Centre, Chester (Cheshire) or Spire Yale Hospital, Abergele & Wrexham (Wales). It is always advisable to bring a friend or a relative during your consultation, as it may further assist you in any questions you may have.