Male Breasts

Gynaecomastia is a term that describes large breasts in men. It is a fairly common condition that can affect up to 40-60% of men with no apparent reason, in the majority of cases. The severity can vary from a slight fatty look around the chest, to an appearance similar to a female breast. This can be very distressing for men and can often be a closely guarded secret, which can erode sexual confidence and family life, as in engaging with children in swim sport.

A number of teenage boys tend to experience some form of breast enlargement, the majority of which tends to resolve in early adulthood. There are certain drugs and medical problems that can cause gynaecomastia.

For men who feel self-conscious about their appearance, there are a few options depending on the extent of the problem. The options can range from liposuction to limited removal of breast tissue and finally a formal breast reduction procedure as in women. The most suitable surgical option for your case is best discussed during the consultation.

What is Gynaecomastia?

The large male breast is usually a combination of fat, breast tissue with or without excess skin. The ratio of fat to breast tissue varies from one individual to another. The options depend on the extent of enlargement and the expectations from surgery. This will be discussed in detail during the consultation.

The Surgery

Liposuction is a valid option particularly in cases where there is an excess of fat. Another alternative is removing the breast tissue and fat via a scar around the nipple areola area. In significantly large breasts with excess skin, a formal breast reduction, as in women, maybe indicated. The above operations are done under a general anaesthetic (while you are asleep) as a day case or possibly 1 night stay. The latter 2 procedures usually require drains that are removed before leaving the hospital.


The stitches may need to be removed in 2 weeks approximately. A firm support is advisable to be worn for a period of 6 weeks after the surgery. It would be best to avoid any physical work or strenuous exercise for a similar period of time. You would expect the chest to be swollen and bruised with some discomfort. It can take 6-12 months to assess the full effect of the operation. Liposuction, on occasions, can be repeated, if further reduction is required.

Potential Risks

Every surgical procedure carries a certain amount of risk, and it is important that you understand the risks involved with every option in reducing male breasts.

Removing breast tissue and fat via a scar around the nipple-areola area, carries the risk of unevenness in the areola (brown part around nipple)-some depressions (dishing) or some remaining bulge. The scar may show permanent pigment changes in the breast area, or slightly mismatched breasts or nipples. Asymmetry is a possibility and a second procedure may be required to achieve better symmetry. Alteration of breast/nipple sensation is a possibility. Very rarely the circulation to the nipple can be compromised resulting in partial to total loss of the nipple.

With regard to the breast reduction option, the risks are very similar to the breast reduction in females. Please refer to that. With regard to liposuction, the scarring is minimal. Please refer to the risks under the liposuction section.

Bleeding, infection, wound break down, excessive scarring, blood clots in leg veins and/or lung and further revisional surgery are general risks that can follow any operation.

The information provided gives you a basic understanding of the male breast procedures but it may not answer all your questions, a lot depends on your individual circumstances.This website provides guidance and is not intended to be a substitute for a surgical consultation with Mr Fahmy in Shropshire, Chester, Cheshire or Wrexham, North Wales and Mid Wales.

For any enquiries, you can email Professor Fahmy on Your consultation will be directly with Professor Fahmy and the treatment will be performed by himself at the hospital of your choice either Pilford Medical Centre, Chester (Cheshire) or Spire Yale Hospital, Abergele & Wrexham (Wales). It is always advisable to bring a friend or a relative during your consultation, as it may further assist you in any questions you may have.